Connecting Educators and Sharing Resources

Explore our curated unit plans and supporting documents

STEM Bridge is dedicated to enhancing the educational journey by providing innovative lesson plans and projects that inspire both teachers and students.

Explore Our Unit Plans

Memory Boxes

7th Grade Project-Based learning unit including studying the nervous system and connecting with grandparents and elders

Middle School Statistics

8th graders chose issues important to them, collected data, and analyzed it for stakeholders.

Martian Soil

6th grade Project-Based learning unit covers plants and conditions across the solar system.

Great Food Truck Challenge

5th Grade Project-Based Learning unit using the design process to create a food truck.

Water Quality

8th Grade Project-Based Learning Unit to investigate similarities in rural and urban drinking water

Natural Disasters

“How can we keep our community safe from natural disasters?”

Clean Water Challenge

5th Grade Project-Based Learning unit investigating clean water

Does Water Quality Change across NC?

Middle grades investigation across NC measuring water quality

PRO-BL: STEM Careers

Early college students collaborate with local business and other students to explore and develop skills for entrepreneurship

Making the Perfect Nutrition Bar

High school biology students investigate macromolecules and nutrition to develop a nutrition bar for others.



Accessible Force and Motion

7th Graders design roller coasters using force and motion curriculum that are accessible to people with disabilities.

Soils and Sustainability

6th graders compare urban and rural soils, and propose solutions to runoff and erosion.

Get in Touch


If you have any questions or need assistance with our lesson plans and projects, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are eager to support educators in every way possible.


Stem Bridge @ WCU

100 University Dr, Cullowhee NC 28723


(828) 736-3887